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The Wood Snake
Here’s a Peek at 2025! During this year of the Wood Snake, the United States is not the center of attention. There are no major Planets overhead at the Chinese New Year, which is determined by the New Moon in Aquarius, which means the focus is inward, on the home, rather than OUT THERE, in the career world. Astrologically, the only players overhead are two very feminine Asteroids, Vesta and Juno, so expect worker’s rights and women’s reproductive rights to be very prominent, and face very little opposition. Interestingly, Vesta also relates to fats in the diet, so expect the popular diabetes weight loss drugs, and those related to reproduction, to continue to grow in popularity.
Meanwhile, both Jupiter and Uranus are grounding the USA, and the two of them bracket the East Coast as far west as the Mississippi Valley. So, the USA is going to be concerned with its own issues this year, and not especially concerned with what else is happening in the world. We would like to say that it is going to be because things here are so good, but having Jupiter and Uranus teaming up could produce catastrophic weather events along the East Coast and the Mississippi basin. The Northeast, being the closest to the Jupiter line, may be a special focus as the disruptive Uranus line goes north through the Great Lakes. Uranus in Taurus has had as its hallmark climate change issues, and as it travels through the last degrees of the Sign into early Gemini it is hitting areas known historically for torrential deluges and floods.
In the cities of the Northeast, politically and economically, it is going to be highly charged, with even the government seeming more like a marketplace than a regulator. Expect a great deal of misinformation to be online, and in fact, this widespread habit of lying will not be diminished. The sectors that succeeded five years ago will be those that attempt to rise again. However, a great deal of policy is going to be run by the powerhouse companies on the West Coast. Like we said, DC is going to be a marketplace!Jupiter in Gemini Retrograde in the Fifth House describes a return to prominence but having the Sign of Mercury, the trickster, in the house of the King, sounds like a figurehead playing at being the ruler while the moneyed ‘kids’ behind the scenes actually run everything. Planet and Asteroid wise, on the West Coast it is going to be relatively calm, although it will be a great time for attorneys, because there are going to be legal cases galore coming out of the West Coast states. It will likely be led by California, challenging everything that comes out of Washington. California is now the fourth largest economy on the Planet and has the largest number of Fortune 500 companies of any state. The lines highlight the Bay Area as the Super Star, willing to pick a fight in court. That Pallas in Capricorn Ascending line running through the West Coast indicates a feminine, dark-haired advocate rising in prominence.
Also on the West Coast, the rights of agricultural workers will be championed, although there will be disruption. Effective fire control and management will figure strongly in funding initiatives. There may be some interesting court cases related to partnerships, marriages, homes and illness. Another factor is going to be businesses on the West Coast developing even more partnerships around the Pacific Rim.The Year of the Wood Snake is normally hard working and profitable but with that Saturn Jupiter Square, it will take more focus and adaptability than you would expect! Europe Europe and Asia will be the two main focuses this year. With the Sun, Moon and five Planets clustered over Europe there will be a lot going on. Asia is under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus, and we will discuss them in the next segment.
Ireland and England, as well as Portugal and Spain are the headliners this year, thanks to the Sun and Moon being overhead at the New Moon in Aquarius, also known as the Chinese New Year.
There is a big possibility that the Irish independence movement picks up speed, partly because of BREXIT. That referendum screwed up their trading relationships and border with Europe, who are major customers for their products. Thanks to the one two punch of Brexit and Covid. which happened within a couple of months of each other, England has been the slowest economy to recover from the pandemic.
The Irish may feel, justifiably, that the Brits are holding them back, and they could do better on their own. Ireland has a Gemini Sun and Moon, so Jupiter and Uranus being in that Sign this year will likely kick things into high gear.
Meanwhile, the Sun and Moon are also shining on Portugal and Spain, whose economies are outpacing the rest of the European Union. They are becoming major tourist destinations, thanks to young people looking for less expensive experiences. They are also popular expatriate destinations, as the number of Boomers who want to retire to sunny, and reasonably priced places grows. Also, thanks to the public sector and productivity reforms, these countries are becoming more competitive. While Portugal’s Sun is in Libra, Transiting Pluto in Aquarius is touching their Jupiter and Spain’s Moon. That Jupiter in Gemini is good for both of them and it adds a global connection to these two nations which became wealthy in the past through their seagoing efforts.
The Mercury and Pluto Conjunction shows the increasing effectiveness and proliferation of global communication thanks to advances in simultaneous translation technology. However, it also shows that a great deal of money can be made by creating false messages and images. The recent event when Musk tanked the USA budget bill by broadcasting false information over X, which created a ground swell of calls to Congress, is a perfect example.
Both Moscow and Tel Aviv are under the influence of the Venus Neptune Conjunction, as they dream of capturing more land. However, these are shortsighted visions powered by the leader’s ability to manipulate their people through the media. With a Saturn in Pisces line running through Ukraine, the suffering there will continue as the people hold to their mission and strengthen their walls. This same Saturn line goes through the Sudan, which is probably the world’s worst humanitarian tragedy right now.
Venus and Neptune over Moscow shows the Russians being increasingly dependent on their partners, North Korea and China, connected to them by a Descending Venus Line.With Pluto, Mercury, Sun, Moon and Ceres over Western Europe, and Saturn, Venus and Neptune over Eastern Europe, the continent is going to be very divided in their goals and experience.
Neptune overhead shows that Moscow’s only leverage is their oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, for them, at this time, Western Europe massively reduced their dependency on Russian energy, whose customers are now much more distant China and India. So, Russia has resorted to vandalizing Western Europe’s undersea communication and energy conduits like guerilla fighters, and the western countries see no reason to put up with that. Hence a very wide divide has opened up between Eastern and Western Europe. Meanwhile, with a Ceres line overhead, the European Union is doing their best to herd their community with very little muscle behind their efforts.
The one possible peace dove in this situation is Venus, the peacemaker, in Pisces, a position known for compassion. It’s Midheaven line runs along the border between Ukraine and Russia and through the region of Israel and Gaza, as well as Syria. It is connected to Jupiter in Gemini, so some dealmaking will be happening aimed at short term solutions. The actual impetus behind any peace treaties will be petrochemicals, thanks to Neptune, and the anxiety of the leaders about the political tide turning against them, thanks to Saturn. Also, with Biden leaving office, the desire and resolve to punish Russia and drain their resources for interfering in the American elections, may be coming to an end. The purpose of a great deal of the United States’ foreign policy is not about destroying countries, but just keeping them a little weaker than us, so they can find ways to do business together. AsiaWith Mars off the coast of Japan and Australia, expect them to expand their military budgets in response to China’s South China Sea ambitions. For Australia, with the Mars line skirting their eastern coast, they should be extra vigilant against fires, and violence against women.
China has Jupiter overhead, centered on Hong Kong, so this area is going to be a big focus this year. There may be a great number of demonstrations related to workers’ rights, and health issues related to pollution. Economically, Asia should have a strong year internationally thanks to that elevated Jupiter, with a focus on the development of new technology, especially electric cars. They may be looking to sell a lot more of them in Southern Europe. However, these new market expansions could come amid serious social disruptions.
With Uranus over Myanmar and Bangladesh, these areas could be subject to political and climatic crises. Further to the West, India will be looking to increase their connections with western Europe. While they buy fuel from Russia, they will want to sell in southern Europe and England.
This Jupiter Line in Gemini overlaps the Uranus in Taurus, so it affects southern China, Indonesia and the western coast of Australia. All three areas may be especially subject to earthquakes and tsunamis. Jupiter makes events BIG!
It is an eventful year ahead.
In the cities of the Northeast, politically and economically, it is going to be highly charged, with even the government seeming more like a marketplace than a regulator. Expect a great deal of misinformation to be online, and in fact, this widespread habit of lying will not be diminished. The sectors that succeeded five years ago will be those that attempt to rise again. However, a great deal of policy is going to be run by the powerhouse companies on the West Coast. Like we said, DC is going to be a marketplace!Jupiter in Gemini Retrograde in the Fifth House describes a return to prominence but having the Sign of Mercury, the trickster, in the house of the King, sounds like a figurehead playing at being the ruler while the moneyed ‘kids’ behind the scenes actually run everything. Planet and Asteroid wise, on the West Coast it is going to be relatively calm, although it will be a great time for attorneys, because there are going to be legal cases galore coming out of the West Coast states. It will likely be led by California, challenging everything that comes out of Washington. California is now the fourth largest economy on the Planet and has the largest number of Fortune 500 companies of any state. The lines highlight the Bay Area as the Super Star, willing to pick a fight in court. That Pallas in Capricorn Ascending line running through the West Coast indicates a feminine, dark-haired advocate rising in prominence.
Also on the West Coast, the rights of agricultural workers will be championed, although there will be disruption. Effective fire control and management will figure strongly in funding initiatives. There may be some interesting court cases related to partnerships, marriages, homes and illness. Another factor is going to be businesses on the West Coast developing even more partnerships around the Pacific Rim.The Year of the Wood Snake is normally hard working and profitable but with that Saturn Jupiter Square, it will take more focus and adaptability than you would expect! Europe Europe and Asia will be the two main focuses this year. With the Sun, Moon and five Planets clustered over Europe there will be a lot going on. Asia is under the influence of Jupiter and Uranus, and we will discuss them in the next segment.
Ireland and England, as well as Portugal and Spain are the headliners this year, thanks to the Sun and Moon being overhead at the New Moon in Aquarius, also known as the Chinese New Year.
There is a big possibility that the Irish independence movement picks up speed, partly because of BREXIT. That referendum screwed up their trading relationships and border with Europe, who are major customers for their products. Thanks to the one two punch of Brexit and Covid. which happened within a couple of months of each other, England has been the slowest economy to recover from the pandemic.
The Irish may feel, justifiably, that the Brits are holding them back, and they could do better on their own. Ireland has a Gemini Sun and Moon, so Jupiter and Uranus being in that Sign this year will likely kick things into high gear.
Meanwhile, the Sun and Moon are also shining on Portugal and Spain, whose economies are outpacing the rest of the European Union. They are becoming major tourist destinations, thanks to young people looking for less expensive experiences. They are also popular expatriate destinations, as the number of Boomers who want to retire to sunny, and reasonably priced places grows. Also, thanks to the public sector and productivity reforms, these countries are becoming more competitive. While Portugal’s Sun is in Libra, Transiting Pluto in Aquarius is touching their Jupiter and Spain’s Moon. That Jupiter in Gemini is good for both of them and it adds a global connection to these two nations which became wealthy in the past through their seagoing efforts.
The Mercury and Pluto Conjunction shows the increasing effectiveness and proliferation of global communication thanks to advances in simultaneous translation technology. However, it also shows that a great deal of money can be made by creating false messages and images. The recent event when Musk tanked the USA budget bill by broadcasting false information over X, which created a ground swell of calls to Congress, is a perfect example.
Both Moscow and Tel Aviv are under the influence of the Venus Neptune Conjunction, as they dream of capturing more land. However, these are shortsighted visions powered by the leader’s ability to manipulate their people through the media. With a Saturn in Pisces line running through Ukraine, the suffering there will continue as the people hold to their mission and strengthen their walls. This same Saturn line goes through the Sudan, which is probably the world’s worst humanitarian tragedy right now.
Venus and Neptune over Moscow shows the Russians being increasingly dependent on their partners, North Korea and China, connected to them by a Descending Venus Line.With Pluto, Mercury, Sun, Moon and Ceres over Western Europe, and Saturn, Venus and Neptune over Eastern Europe, the continent is going to be very divided in their goals and experience.
Neptune overhead shows that Moscow’s only leverage is their oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, for them, at this time, Western Europe massively reduced their dependency on Russian energy, whose customers are now much more distant China and India. So, Russia has resorted to vandalizing Western Europe’s undersea communication and energy conduits like guerilla fighters, and the western countries see no reason to put up with that. Hence a very wide divide has opened up between Eastern and Western Europe. Meanwhile, with a Ceres line overhead, the European Union is doing their best to herd their community with very little muscle behind their efforts.
The one possible peace dove in this situation is Venus, the peacemaker, in Pisces, a position known for compassion. It’s Midheaven line runs along the border between Ukraine and Russia and through the region of Israel and Gaza, as well as Syria. It is connected to Jupiter in Gemini, so some dealmaking will be happening aimed at short term solutions. The actual impetus behind any peace treaties will be petrochemicals, thanks to Neptune, and the anxiety of the leaders about the political tide turning against them, thanks to Saturn. Also, with Biden leaving office, the desire and resolve to punish Russia and drain their resources for interfering in the American elections, may be coming to an end. The purpose of a great deal of the United States’ foreign policy is not about destroying countries, but just keeping them a little weaker than us, so they can find ways to do business together. AsiaWith Mars off the coast of Japan and Australia, expect them to expand their military budgets in response to China’s South China Sea ambitions. For Australia, with the Mars line skirting their eastern coast, they should be extra vigilant against fires, and violence against women.
China has Jupiter overhead, centered on Hong Kong, so this area is going to be a big focus this year. There may be a great number of demonstrations related to workers’ rights, and health issues related to pollution. Economically, Asia should have a strong year internationally thanks to that elevated Jupiter, with a focus on the development of new technology, especially electric cars. They may be looking to sell a lot more of them in Southern Europe. However, these new market expansions could come amid serious social disruptions.
With Uranus over Myanmar and Bangladesh, these areas could be subject to political and climatic crises. Further to the West, India will be looking to increase their connections with western Europe. While they buy fuel from Russia, they will want to sell in southern Europe and England.
This Jupiter Line in Gemini overlaps the Uranus in Taurus, so it affects southern China, Indonesia and the western coast of Australia. All three areas may be especially subject to earthquakes and tsunamis. Jupiter makes events BIG!
It is an eventful year ahead.