Books from Space and Time Publishing
Planetary Calendar, Feng Shui & ErgoDynamic Design, The 10 Minute Herbalist
Books on Astrology, Feng Shui/ErgoDynamics & Health in that Order
The Planetary Calendar Astrology Companion Book
Moving Beyond Observation Into Action
5.5" x 8.5" x 1/2", 172 pages Soft Cover
Extensively illustrated - $20.00.
Astrology is enjoying exponential growth thanks to computers, online forecasts and analysis. But that sophisticated knowledge often bypasses the fundamental concepts that the celestial art is based on. For the enthusiast, that foundation is the key to opening doors to a deeper understanding. To address that gap, this book begins with an illustrated, simplified explanation of Astrology’s main parts; Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects, in an easy to remember symbolic form. It includes a unique perspective on the often misunderstood Planetary Rulers and their Table of Dignities, (the Celestial Relationships, a primary tool in Chart Interpretation.
Next, because this was conceived as a companion to the proactive Planetary Calendar, it includes a three-chapter explanation of the Calendrical Healing System, which was created for the Calendar’s 72nd edition. This application of Lunar Astrology and the Twelve Terrestrial Houses is supplemented by a pair of chapters on GeoMagical Design (Horizon Charts and Sun Sign Spaces). The book closes by drawing insightful, entertaining correlations between the Planets and the world’s most popular wine grapes, because one does not live by the stars alone.
Since Astrology is a visual art, numerous chapters are complimented by the author’s online videos and television episodes, to create a more complete and effective educational experience.
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A viewer of our YouTube channel asked us how we learned. This was our answer!
We have both been studying astrology for more than fifty years, both starting in our teens and starting to consult about 1972. At the time unless you lived in a big city there were no classes, so everyone learned from books and each other. I think my first good book that simply explained all the systems was by Marc Edmonds Jones. I still have it! In the Philadelphia area and there were several esoteric book stores where you could find good titles. Of course, Astrology Magazine was in print, and you could find that and read the articles. But it was when we started doing charts for people that we really started learning, and they had to be hand calculated. I think the best way to learn these days is by getting a good program and doing a lot of charts. We use Solar Fire and their pop ups for planetary positions and aspects are very good. But one really needs to understand the foundation, the system of the Planets, the Houses, the Signs and the Aspects. You can’t get that from a program. Astrology is based on geometry, and the relationships, or aspects, are based on the same physics that work in physical design. For example, the Trine Aspect represents a stable relationship. In buildings the pyramid is the most stable structure. We created our companion book for the calendar, ‘Planetary Calendar Astrology, Going Beyond Observation to Action’, to cover those basics. We did this partly because we have a daughter and granddaughter who know a great deal about the starry arts, but in pieces, and we wanted them to have a book that would cover these basics in an illustrative way that they could easily remember. Maybe you will find it helpful. Ralph & Lahni
Feng Shui & ErgoDynamic Design Books for Improving Your Life In Five Dimensions. First, a Video About the Series!
Feng Shui and the Tango The Essential Chapters The 25th Anniversary Edition!
This is a small book, only 107 pages, but we selected our easiest to underdand and use chapters that we feel everyone should know. These are the basics that help people create and manage spaces that support their efforts and goals, often in surprisingly practical ways.
5.5" x 8.5" 107 pages $17.00, ($3.00 shipping) Very Illustrated ISBN-13: 979-8-838429-85-8
Call to place an order
Feng Shui and the Tango in 12 Easy Lessons The 4th Edition!
This is our foundation book that has gone through many editions from its first stapled copies at our workshops. Its goal is to help you have more fun and romance in your life, commitment in your relationships and increased cash flow. ‘Tango’ shows you how to program your surroundings in ways that will help you get to where you want to go.
Note: We have a few of these, and the next two books left at the lower price. When we changed printers we had raise the prices. and rearrange the appendices.
6" x 9" 282 pages $17.95, ($3.00 shipping) Very Illustrated ISBN-13: 978-1931163-07-3
Take FS to Work
This solution based book explains how the program of money is created in your life and how you can upgrade your potential. It gives helpful insights about those critical crossroads where money is on the table and opportunity is in the air.
6" x 9" 210 pages $16.95, ($3.00 shipping) Very Illustrated ISBN-13: 978-1931163-06-4
Take FS Home
This happiness boosting book shows you, how to increase the love in your life, be clutter free, plan great weddings for strong and stable relationships, clear the past (and occasional ghost), create happy children's rooms and adult bedrooms for a good night's sleep and so much more!
6" x 9" 210 pages $16.95 ($3.00 shipping) Illustrated SBN-13: 978-1931163-05-7
Creating Clarity
The incredibly simple, surprisingly surefire solution to a messy problem, Clutter! Banishing Clutter is easier than you think. The key is understanding the underlying causes and then changing them! Currently In Rewrites, but you can pre-order your copy!
6" x 9" 92 pages $9.95, ($3.00 shipping) Illustrated SBN-13: 978-1931163-62-0
Dream Desk Quiz
Most people spend their careers working in spaces that limit their genius and job satisfaction. The Quiz's 7 questions and personalized answers helps you create a work space that will unleash your talents and ethical leadership skills.
6" x 9" 92 pages $9.95 ($3.00 shipping) illustrated ISBN-978-1-931163-37-8
We are currently reshaping this book into a new version geared for those who are Working From Home...! Something we have done for a couple of decades plus. We are hoping to have out in time for the new year.
Is It Time to Redesign the Oval Office?
This is currently only available as a digital book. This series of musings looks at how the evolution of environmental design reveals society's transformations and evolution. Digital only through Amazon Kindle $3.99 illustrated, ($3.00 shipping) ISBN-978-1-931163-45-3
10 Minute Herbalist Series
The 10-Minute Herbalist is a primer on good diet (hint: it is not vegetarian and fast foods need not apply) to the keys for avoiding cancer, from the best asthma solutions to the secrets for keeping children healthy, hormonal health for both the sexes, environmental dangers and putting the solutions in your hands. 6" x 9" 147 pages $12.95 ($3.00 shipping) ISBN: 978-1931163-56-9
A Year of Healthful Hints
A Year of Healthful Hints is a wonderful collection of a year's worth of 'Lahni's Healthful Hints' newsletter that she emails to our subscription list of interested readers . 6" x 9" 192 pages $12.95 ($3.00 shipping) ISBN: 978-1931163-59-0
8 Steps to Health
Good Health Is Easy contains eight chapters that offer a deep understanding of important components in the natural healing process from two Master Herbalists. 6" x 9" 222 pages $12.95 ($3.00 shipping) ISBN: 978-1-931163-58-3
To Watch episodes of Ask Ralph & Lahni TV about Herbal Healing CLICK HERE